Laura’s crumble with Granny Smith apples
Ingredients for 6:
– 6 Granny Smith apples from Les Calades (or Elstar)
– 100gr soft organic butter
– 220gr flour
– 200gr caster sugar
-Cooking Time: 50 min
-Preparation Time: 30 min
– Preheat the oven at 180°C (Th.6)
– Peel the apples and cut them in pieces as big as a thimble.
– Prepare the pastry mixing with your hands the sugar, the butter and the flour, until it becomes homogeneous.
– Spread a little bit of pastry on the bottom of the dish, and then fill it with the apples slices. Cover the apples with the leftover pastry.
– Let it cook till the top has become gold.
– Eat it warm or cold, with some custard or vanilla ice cream.
You can also flavour the pastry with some cinnamon, this spice is apple friendly!
Our “Cerise et Potiron” apple juice will match this recipe very well.